Sunday, August 16, 2009

Welcome and my TOU

I love to design and create, especially if it is anything on the Internet! I also love to blog! I love reading other's blogs, especially family and friends. I think it is an amazing way to record the daily moments and keep in touch! I also love designing digital scrapbook kits and elements. I'm very passionate about everyone telling their own story! In combining my love of these things, I decided to start a blog (one of like 10 that I keep!) to give away blog wear for FREE! These are all created from my designs and kits I've made, so if you see something you like, the links will be in each post of where the actual kit can be found.

I'm offering these for free and just ask that you give "Home Baked Blogs" credit, if you use them! In fact, you would be one of my favorite people ever if you would wear my blinkie, to help spread the word! I also love comments, so if you are enjoying my blog wear, please let me know!

Please do not use these backgrounds for any purpose other than what they are intended for, don't claim them as your own work of art or offer them for download elsewhere! Just send them here to pick out their own favorite!

Also, feel free to email me at and link me with your blog so I can see how it looks! Thanks again for using Home Baked Blogs!


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